Episode 2 is up, and the kittens are home

Our second episode is up here!  Turns out we had a lot to say about what we get out of our day jobs.

We would love to hear your thoughts on writing retreats, how you keep up your routine when you travel, and how you think about what you get from your job – and what you don’t like.

Plus, I (Olivia) adopted some kittens. I’m now trying to convince them that I’m trustworthy. This photo from my morning writing session represents huge progress – we are all sat at the same table:

For comparison, here’s a photo of when I found out that the grey one doesn’t like to be watched when she eats:

They don’t have names yet. My dad’s suggested Romy and Michele – a pretty solid suggestion, considering how great the film is (I think there’s a glitch in the IMDB star rating on the page I just linked to, ha).

Any literary or funny suggestions?

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Episode 1 is up, and we have rules

iphone playing podcastOur first full-length episode is posted — check it out here, along with show notes, or get Marginally on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever get your podcasts. In it, we talk about what we’re working on, what margins mean to us, what it means to be a Genius and create Art (with capital letters), and our rules.

The Rules

Marginalization – we don’t want to ignore this aspect of the margins. Get in touch – we’d love to listen.

Structure — one full episode every other week, with mini episodes in between. Also, sometimes y’all might not get a full episode anyway. We have lives, and the last thing we need is for this podcast to take away from our writing, so you might get an extra mini episode. It happens.

Social media — we do Instagram (@marginallypodcast) because we understand it and like them, but no Twitter or Facebook. If you do, awesome — go ahead and share away and talk it up out there and do our social media marketing for us. We love you.

The website — we’ll post show notes and stuff here on the blog. There will be something at least weekly, maybe sometimes more. We hope you’ll join the conversation.

Newsletter — for now, it’ll be for show notes and news. Maybe there’ll be super-special secret extras later, who knows. Subscribe and find out!

Deep dive — this is the only time you’ll hear this phrase from us, ever. Meghan’s also trying to make the phrase “online radio show” replace “podcast”, but isn’t hopeful.

No snobbery — This is the most important. This is not the podcast to go to if you want to hear only about literary fiction, or how to write something that gets well reviewed in a literary journal. We are talking about writers’ struggles, and we talk about how to get work done that you’re proud of. But how you as a writer do that, and what you write down, is your business.


Have a question you’d like us to try to answer, or a topic you’d love to have us cover? Interested in being a guest? Contact us here, or send an email to podcast [at] marginallypodcast.com. Thanks for listening, and keep up the good work!

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Putting it all together

editing in greece  We’re hard at work on wrapping up editing for Episode 1 — where we talk about what we mean by margins — and prepping to record Episode 2 — day jobs. It’s been fun to learn something completely new, and we’re already racking up the lessons and lists of what not to do.

It turns out that recording a conversation is way different from working from a word-for-word script, like we had for our trailer episode. Both of us have plenty of experience with public speaking — we give presentations and teach workshops as part of our day jobs — so it’s not hard to work from notes and keep the ideas moving. What is hard is recording a second take!

We expected a technical learning curve, and have been happy to discover while it’s time consuming, it’s not so difficult we need to consult sound engineers. Hooray for the internet and the kind people who’ve posted podcasting how-tos!

But the biggest part of our process has been what’s part of our larger conversation — how to fit it in? We live 7 hours apart and don’t have flexible schedules, so just finding time to sit down with each other to chat is a real testament to our friendship each week (it means either I get up before dawn, or Olivia stays up past her bedtime). The great thing about it is we do make time to sit down each week and chat — and it’s worth every hour of lost sleep.

The time difference works in our favor in other ways. Because we’re more or less a workday apart, we could preeeetty much post to Instagram non-stop. Of course, that’s counter to our writing and work goals, so we don’t, but it would be pretty awesome. We also end up being able to tag-team the post-recording editing, since our periods of free time don’t overlap.

Bottom line is, we’re excited to give you Episode 1 (working title: In the Margins) on Monday — maybe we should have covered day jobs instead, for a Labor Day special. We hope you’re as excited to tune in.

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