About Us

We’re just two friends who are trying to fit a lot into our lives but also onto our pages. We’re people who are working with margins – and maybe haven’t figured out what is in the margin and what is on the page.

Olivia and Meghan met almost 20 years ago in college. They didn’t immediately like each other — proving the unreliability of snap judgments and the value of persistence — but grew into close friends by the end of college. Through many life changes and house moves, writing has been a constant thread in their friendship, alongside various other short-lived flirtations with day planning and time management techniques. They were looking for ways to do everything, and are now trying to just do the writing.

Olivia Allison is working on a novel in the mornings before going to a more-than-full-time day job as a consultant and team leader in a big company. Although this is her first (serious) fiction project, writing has always been at the center of her career. She works between Ukraine, Central Asia and London. Despite her roaming lifestyle, she’s also mom to two wonderful Ukrainian cats.

Meghan Miller Brawley is a writer and librarian whose work has appeared in EntropyKirkus online, the book and culture website Forever Young Adult, the feminist website Quotabelle, and (long ago) the Dallas Morning News, as well as select conference and trade publications. She writes both young adult and adult fiction centered around complex women’s friendships, and her current project is a YA novel about authenticity, climate change, and surfing. A Texan in exile, she currently shares her North Carolina home — the 9th in 15 years — with her partner, two sons, and an elderly dog.