Episode 33: Poet, publicist and horseback riding instructor Abigail Welhouse

In Episode 33, we sat down to talk to poet, book publicist and horseback riding instructor Abigail Welhouse, a great treat for April, which is National Poetry Month. Abigail is the author of Bad Baby (dancing girl press), Too Many Humans of New York (Bottlecap Press), and Memento Mori (a poem/comic collaboration with Evan Johnston). Her poems have been published in The ToastYes PoetryGhost Ocean Magazine, and elsewhere, and her writing about food and money has been published in Edible Brooklyn, Edible Manhattan, The Billfold, and more.

For her first day job, she works for Scott Manning & Associates as a Senior Publicist handling book publicity and social media consulting for authors. She also works in a second day job for GallopNYC as a horseback riding instructor.

Abigail gives great tips on publicity for authors, from social media to episode 31’s theme of being open about day jobs. She’s also working on a novel, so we got to circle back to our other theme of the month, revising.

You can follow her by subscribing to her Secret Poems at tinyletter.com/welhouse, following her on Twitter (@welhouse), or check out her website at welhouse.nyc. We really enjoyed our talk and hope you enjoy listening!

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Theme music is “It’s Time” by Scaricá Ricascá.

Have a question you’d like us to try to answer, or a topic you’d love to have us cover? Interested in being a guest? Contact us here.Thanks for listening, and get to work!

Mentioned in this episode:

Francesca Lia Block

TinyLetter Forwards (possibly now defunct)

Madness and Memory, the Stanley B. Prusiner, the Nobel-Prize-winning scientist who discovered prions

Abigail’s Bad Baby chapbook

Julia Cameron’s morning pages

Ashley Maynor

Ashley’s advice – poke or touch your project every day (in Episode 23)

Writing a poem a day for National Poetry Month, aka NaPoWriMo

Prompt where you take grammar of poem and start changing words  – a prompt from the Brooklyn Poets workshop taught by Cynthia Cruz

Beckian Fritz Goldberg (poet)

National Novel Writing Month

Too Many Humans of New York chapbook

Abigail’s interview with Victoria Chang with The Rumpus

Sidelines magazine

Nadia De Vries (poet)